Simply Vanilla Syrup - 1 Litre
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Simply Vanilla Syrup - 1 Litre
Simply Vanilla Syrup brings the much-loved, classic flavour of vanilla into a versatile liquid form. It's a staple in any coffee shop for concocting a smooth vanilla latte or a creamy vanilla Frappuccino that is a customer favourite.
From a culinary perspective, its mild, sweet flavour can enhance numerous desserts. Whether it's used in a silky vanilla panna cotta or a fluffy vanilla soufflé, this syrup enhances the flavour profile of your sweet dishes. And for a unique twist, it can be used in savoury dishes such as a vanilla glaze for a roasted duck.
High concentrate meaning better flavour & better value
Simply syrups are perfect for coffee, cocktails, smoothies, shakes and much more.
With our MASSIVE range of simply coffee syrups, we are sure to have exactly what you desire. Simply are manufacturers and suppliers of food and beverage products primarily for food services to over 45 countries around the world. Whether you're just a small independent company or a large chain - with our simply range we can support you whatever your needs may be.