Simply Lemon Syrup - 1 Litre
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Simply Lemon Syrup - 1 litre
Simply Lemon Flavour Syrup is a versatile and delicious product that can be used in a variety of ways. The syrup has a well balanced flavour profile that’s tart yet sweet, which makes it ideal for adding to a range of drinks, desserts, and other recipes.
A firm favourite from the Simply Flavoured Syrups range, it’s particularly popular in the summer months for making delicious and refreshing cold drinks like lemonades, Italian style sodas, iced teas, smoothies or frozen slushies.
High concentrate meaning better flavour & better value
Simply syrups are perfect for coffee, cocktails, smoothies, shakes and much more.
With our MASSIVE range of simply coffee syrups, we are sure to have exactly what you desire. Simply are manufacturers and suppliers of food and beverage products primarily for food services to over 45 countries around the world. Whether you're just a small independent company or a large chain - with our simply range we can support you whatever your needs may be.