Simply Green Apple Syrup - 1 Litre
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Simply Green Apple Syrup - 1 litre
Simply Green Apple Syrup is a great way to enjoy sweet and sour apple flavour while adding great taste to your favourite beverages. This syrup packs the juicy taste of real green apples, which gives it a perfect balance of sweetness and tartness. It’s made with natural flavours, and like all Simply coffee syrups contains no artificial colours, flavourings or GMOs.
With its bold green apple flavour, this syrup can add excitement to a wide range of drink options. It’s super easy to use; just one tablespoon of this syrup is all that's needed to add a delicious twist to a cup of coffee, frappe or smoothies.
High concentrate meaning better flavour & better value
Simply syrups are perfect for coffee, cocktails, smoothies, shakes and much more.
With our MASSIVE range of simply coffee syrups, we are sure to have exactly what you desire. Simply are manufacturers and suppliers of food and beverage products primarily for food services to over 45 countries around the world. Whether you're just a small independent company or a large chain - with our simply range we can support you whatever your needs may be.